This was my first show back post-covid lockdown... and what a time it was! It felt amazing to get back out and shoot! Both STYG and SFTP are phenomenal politically and socially charged hardcore bands. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

First stop on the five show East-Coast run was at The Middle East in Cambridge. The gig was set to take place on the downstairs stage, but after the room had water damage from an attendee flooding the place with water from a ceiling pipe that they broke from hanging on it the night before. Sounds like a wild night. Luckily, the upstairs was not booked for this night, so we all packed into the room like a can of sardines.

The Orange County hardcore band, Stick To Your Guns, took to the stage with a vengeance, opening with "This Is More", one of their older hits. From there, the band followed up with "Diamond", "Against Them All", and the list goes on and on. The crowd sang what felt like every word! By the later half of the set, they began playing a brand new song, "More Of Us Than Them", then ended with "Amber" and "Nobody." You could tell the boys were hungry. They gave it their all they got!

Speaking of hungry, Long Island's Stray From The Path all walked on the stage, each shotgunned a can of red bull, then began to raise hell! This band has always had the coolest style that can't be replicated. The band played all the fan favorites, including a major throwback... DAMION! Didn't see that one coming.

Never miss Stray From The Path when they come to your city!